Poems in Finnish by:

Olli Heikkonen - Finland
Don’t take my name in vain ()
Sink your fingers into the darkness of my fur ()
When I swim across the pond ()
Won’t you close your eyes ()
Don’t touch ()
I come through the blizzard ()
Irsk. Noise above rail yard ()
When Laika, abandoned in space, barks ()
The crowned head looks at the world ()
Bow before the mountain ash ()
The sun rises ()
Oh, Sputnik, iron star ()
When night strips away the horse wings ()

Risto Oikarinen - Finland
God’s back has collapsed particles ()
The wind howls, plays the saw, bends the hazed horizon ()
The novice worries on the monastery wall ()
In real life I am here ()
Let the waves lash and smash down the wall ()
Heaven must be demolished ()

Sirkka Turkka - Finland
Stars are again like a teary ballad, and at night ()
The dog sleeps behind checkered curtains ()
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