Ron Silliman

(USA, 1946)

Ron Silliman (1946) was one of the founders of L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E-poetry. Claims to being ‘natural’ or to authenticity are rejected in this movement. Moreover, this poetry is emphatically concerned with the world and often has a political content. These distinguishing features are definitely applicable to Silliman’s work, which now amounts to more than thirty titles. One could also argue that his poetry consists of a single long poem, Ketjak, which will consist of the following books: The Age of Huts (1974–1980), Tjanting (1979–1981), The Alphabet (1979–2004) and Universe (2005–). His website, Silliman’s Blog, is considered by some to be a unifying factor in the online poetry world.

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