Links (Colombia)



Below, we have listed various interesting Colombian poetry websites.
Each description also mentions the language(s) in which the website is available.

Colombian Poetry Anthology
One of the most complete and up to date anthologies of Colombian poetry, edited by the Colombian poet Rogelio Echavarría. Entries include poems and bibliographical notes of the Colombian poets from the very beginning of Colombian poetry.
Language: Spanish

Gonzalo Arango
Web page dedicated to the life and works of the poet Gonzalo Arango, founder of the important 1960s Nadaist movement. It includes poems, biographical and bibliographical information, some images of the poet and audio material.
Language: Spanish

Jorge Gaitán Durán
Page dedicated to promoting the work of one of the major Colombian poets, Jorge Gaitán Duran, founder of the Mito Magazine of poetry in 1955. He was also an essayist, anthologist, and journalist, and belonged to the poetical group Los Cuadernicolas.
Language: Spanish

Jose Asuncion Silva
Page about the first Colombian modernist and symbolist poet, with some of his poems, biographical and bibliographical information about his work and about the work accomplished on this subject.
Language: Spanish

Leon de Greiff
Web page publishing 14 manuscript poems of the poet Leon de Greiff, member of the group Los Nuevos, and founder of the magazine Panida, at the beginning of the 20th century. Undoubtedly one of the greatest poets in Castilian language.
Language: Spanish

Porfirio Barbajacob
Homepage with poems of the abysmal voyager, lacerated and damned, to whom Federico Garcia Lorca referred as “the first lyric poet of the first quarter of the American century”.
Language: Spanish

Memoria antológica del Festival Internacional de Poesía de Medellín
Links to over 200 videopoems: Festival Internacional de Poesía de Medellín.
Also visible on YouTube.
Language: Spanish

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