Ann Jäderlund

(Sweden, 1955)

Ann Jäderlund is a poet and playwright. Hers is a poetics that intrigues – sometimes it is introverted and sombre, at yet other times ironic and entertaining, but it is always fascinating. Jäderlund’s verse is not the kind of verse that can be hastily absorbed. Her poems have a certain bite and create confusion in the reader’s mind. Jäderlund makes extensive use of intertextuality, especially in her earlier work,. Her allusions are variously to matters biblical and to Swedish legend, or they take us back to forgotten female authors. After her poetic debut with Vimpelstaden (1985) came Snart går jag i Sommaren ut (1990) and cilinder i vattnet av vattengråt (2006). In 2003 Jäderlund was awarded the De Nios Stora pris, and in 2004 the Dobloug Prize.

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