
my performance idea
for a motorised-mini skirt with automatic cold weather reflex
has had time to go out of fashion
and      come back in again.

The funding criteria seemed clear:
vision and imagination, quality of execution,
creativity of approach, capacity to encourage public involvement in art.

my application failed.
I tried again

they just loved the new proposal:
razzle dazzle tunic with pinstripe shalvaar
and union jack head scarf

cross cultural couture
positive action      sure to get a reaction
new audiences targeted and marketed.

next step the media.
very keen.

“the programming’s no problem.
we’ve got the ideal slot
asian relationships and arranged marriages”

they like a hook
and usually find one size fits all.

I decide to risk it. Any publicity is      publicity.
we’re on air.

“could you say a little about –
how you see the pinstripe ‘shall waar’ as a symbolic representation of
post–colonial South Asia. a floating signifier rupturing cross cultural re-appropriation
of your cultural heritage”

I’m thinking about admitting
I was just taking the piss. but she’s taken my pause
to conclude I’m not so quick.

she’s already re-phrasing “can I put it this way
if you were forced into an arranged marriage
would you be able to wear an outfit like the one you’ve created
or would this be totally unacceptable to your community”