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Zamišljen si.
Prišel si me gledat.
Kot veja oljke sem, tvoj obraz.
Hiše gorijo v soncu.
Most se zalepi od kamna do kamna
in nebo grize.
Roke si me prilaščajo.
Slišim premikanje mehkih konic.
Kadim se.
V tebe hlapim in okušam
tvoje sadje, pešec.
Ovca, ki se podrgne ob skalo,
okna so vtrta v snu.
Prelit sem s sladkim urjenjem.
Uvijam tvoje zapahe.
In ružim črno, svileno
dvorano tvojega toplega diha,
začasnost tvojega življenja.
To a Golem
Lost in thought,
you came to watch me.
I’m like an olive branch – your face.
Houses are on fire in the sun.
The bridge is pasted together stone by stone
and the sky keeps gnawing.
The hands are seizing me.
I hear the motion of soft nibs.
Smoke rises out of me.
I evaporate into you, tasting your
fruit, passer-by.
The sheep scratches herself on the rock,
the windows are wiped in a dream.
Sweet rehearsing pours over me.
I’m folding your door latches.
I shuck the black, silky
festive hall of your warm breath,
the impermanence of your life.