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(Cardiff, Wales, 3 June, 2010)
Blessing, you and I
Carry memories of the graffiti
On Christina Street,
You and I still carry dreams
Of the day when time stood still
As we marvelled at the walls
And thought of the political graffiti
Back home;
Of politicians locked in battle
Of youths still struggling
With identity- and vote-buying;
Of men and women who 
Crossed borders
Never to return . . .
But we held onto that dream, Blessing
Of the colourful graffiti
Of new and old arrivants in Cardiff
Chronicling their history on the wall . . .
Of years spent slaving
Somewhere by the seaside
Of pale, grim faces,
Brought to life by paint.
Christina Street does not ring
With children’s laughter;
Its quiet strength is in the story
Told through pictures on wall
In cold grey 
We watched in awe as pigeons
Paid homage to unknown sojourners
On street walls
As we huddled in our coats . . . to take these memories with us.
They would haunt us
Long after we left . . .