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Did I ever say it to you face to face?
Or maybe I sang my way out to say it?
No. Not yet. My memory says no.
Yet I know, I surely love you.

Why then will I not tell you that I love you?
Why not say it, face it, face to face?
Why take advantage of pen and paper?
Why not confess by mouth, face to face?

You didn’t say it to me either
Why didn’t you say it?
Are you not sure that you love me?
Yet I’m sure that you love me.

But I’ve said to you, “I love you”
And you’ve said to me, “I love you”
We’ve said, “We’re in love”
And the world has said, “They’re in love”

For when a smile could say, “I love you”
I would smile enough to say it
When turning away suggests, “I love you”
I look away and smile unseen

When crying meant “I love you”
I always remember those times
When your eyes shone with tears
Tears that said to me, “I love you, boy”
Let me say it one more time;
“I surely love you, girl.”