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I walk through the ruins
of what once was a mighty fortress
of stone.
The wind echoes emptiness
and the merry conversations of a prosperous people
are now
Where is the Colossus that once stood
guarding the breadbasket?
Where is the Titan that fought
for freedom?
He has had his fill and trampled
many in his haste to kill and eat.
The basket is empty, the land derelict,
its people shackled.

I roam the streets of our sunshine
city where death no longer yields
wailing or tears
but mute apathy.
Newspapers preach abundance
whilst the government’s doctrine of pilfering
and hoarding wealth thrives.
Where is the man who swore to rule
for the good of the people?
Where is the mind that concieved
a vision of independence?
The god has grown old and his wilted
wits tyrannise us all.

Graveyards overflow, our country is in crisis
and my heart is a fortress of stone.