
Lagqunqa laba mnyama suce
Lahloma kwaxhuphuzel’isisu
Ngantanta endlini, ngaphuma ngangena

Laphons’imibani yadedelana
Lasho layidedel’imvula
Kwageleza amanzi kwagcwal’izihosha
Kwaphethuk’iziphethu yonk’indawo

Lwangithi heqe uvalo
Kulomhlaba awusaqondi nqindi nasibhakela
Isela lifika noma kanjani, nanini
Sesahlala sithuthumela sithuka izanya
The weather changed
Turned pitch black
It became cloudy and the stomach rumbled
I ran up and down in the house, I went in and out

Lightning struck continuously
Released rain
Water flowed and flooded
There were tidal waves everywhere

Fear attacked me
In this land you cannot understand
A fist from a punch
A thief comes anyhow, anytime
We are always shivering with fear