Monica Aasprong
Mohamed Al-Harthy
Paul Bogaert
Julian Talamantez Brolaski
Jules Deelder
Adam Dickinson
Daniel Falb
Martín Gambarotta
Peter Gizzi
Micha Hamel
Hu Xudong
Norbert Hummelt
Ann Jäderlund
antoine de kom
Roni Margulies
Charl-Pierre Naudé
Véronique Pittolo
Alfred Schaffer
Habib Tengour45th Poetry International Festival Rotterdam
‘You have an outer space violin in your left ear’ – Hu Xudong
Nederlands ►10-14 June 2014, Rotterdamse Schouwburg
Poetry International #45 live streams on-demand:
Just sit and watch back all poets of the 45th Poetry International Festival on our Vimeo Channel.