
Lokva u kolokvijalnome značenju
Lokva u lokvanju lovi muhe. Zuje, zvrndaju bespomoćno. Kao da na kolovrat namataju pamučnu pređu od zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Količinski puno buke za malu lokvu pred Klovićevom nogom. Ne zgazi li je lokvanj neće biti minijaturan kao točka na i. Lokva je oblik truloće. Ustajala blata s tolikih koraka što je gaziše. Muha više ili manje.
A puddle, in the colloquial sense
A puddle in a water lily is fishing for flies. Helpless, they buzz and bumble. As though teasing a cottony yarn of zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz onto a spinning wheel. Quite a quotient of noise for a little puddle at Klović’s foot.* Unless he tramples it then no lily miniature like the dot of an i will be. Puddle is rot-shape. The mud climbed up from so many steps that stamped it. More flies or less.

Opmerking vertaler: Juraj (Julije) Klović (Vinodol, 1498 – Rome, 1578), painter and illuminator, born in Croatia and lived in Italy, the last great miniaturist of the European Renaissance and of Humanism, known as the Michelangelo of the miniature. In 1578 he illustrated "Commentary on the Epistle of St Paul to the Romans", in the style of Raphael and Michelangelo, but with mannerist elements. In 1546 he completed his masterpiece, "Office of the Virgin Mary" (Officium Virginis) with 28 miniatures, scenes from the Old and New Testaments.