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Mukadzi uya, mai vaNyevero
Ane zino rine mhango, ramutambudza.
Murume wake akaenda London kare kare
Nyevero achiri kuyamwa, iko zvino ave kuchikoro
Tingavape mhosva here mai vaNyevero
Kuti mhango dzavashaisa hope?

Mai Nyevero vanyatsosarudza pekugara
Kundigarira beya rakaisa musana panze
Vachiyanika magumbeze ezvidya zvitsvuku
Vanyenama vachiti, “Vana Mhizha miti izere
Asi matemo enyu ane ngura, asakara, akagomara!”
Vandichonya, ndokukumba marokwe avo vachienda
Vachiseka sebere rinofara mumhindo yerima.

Usiku vanonorara kwebenzi riya Gandari.
Vanomudii Gandari benzi remunhu
Akabatwa nezuro aine mukadzi waticha!

Aids iyika ine mavara seshato, iguhu, chipoko
Asi ichatikuhumura semashizha . . .
That woman, the mother of Nyevero
Has a tooth that needs a filling.
Her husband has been in London
Since Nyevero was 2, now she is 7
Who can blame the mother of Nyevero
For having so many cavities?

Mai Nyevero, carefully chooses her seat.
She sits carelessly opposite me,
Exposing plump thighs, and grins
“Look Mhizha, the forest is full of trees
But your axes are old, rusty and blunt”
She winks at me, gathers her skirts and swishes off,
Laughing like a happy hyena in the dead of night.

Night finds her in bed with that fool Gandari.
But woman, Gandari was caught last week
Naked in bed, with the new teacher’s wife.

This Aids – python, myth or phantom
Will surely finish us all off . . .