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Bez težine i tijela
Neka lica lako otpuštamo, površinu boli u oku,
skidamo boju po boju, malaksali od tolikog gašenja.
Onima koji sporo odlaze ne vidimo oči,
nećemo se sjećati što su večerali,
o čemu su govorili sami sa sobom.
Sve smo priče završili bez njih.
Onima koji ostaju nakupit ćemo duboke,
utihnule glasove, vratit ćemo ih kući,
u puteniju napuštenost.
Čitav ćemo prostor povući za sobom
u riječi bez težine i tijela, riječi
izdašne od svog prvog značenja.
U njima tamne i zriju svi naši ostavljeni krajolici,
sva ta lijepa imenovanja nagnuta u putnike, sjene i razdaljine.
U ovome trenutku možemo samo ustati i otputovati.
Više nemamo zaliha ni za jedan drugi zaborav.
Some faces we dismiss lightly, colour by colour we peel away
the stretch of pain within the eye, wearied by dousing.
We do not see the eyes of those slowly leaving,
we will not recall that they had eaten,
what they spoke of to themselves.
We ended all the tales without them.
We shall gather deep voices, waning to silence,
for those remaining, see them home,
to a neglect more sensuous.
The whole space we shall draw behind us
to weightless bodiless words, words
made rich by the first of their meanings.
In them all our abandoned landscapes grow dark and ripen,
all those beautiful properties sloping towards travellers, shadows and distances.
Now, right now, all we can do is rise and move away.
Lacking the strength to forget, even one more time.