
Kaj se vznemirjate?
Ker se je pokvarila ura?
Sonce zahaja.
Duh zbira vtise.
Išcem premikajocih se slik.

Fakti preganjajo umetnost.
Fantje, fantje, le korajžo!
Kar potrebujete,
dobite v trpljenju.
Z macjo godbo
preganjamo nacionalizem.
V vodi se išce oko.
Tam umiri se moj duh.

Tiho blagodejno
zelena je tvoja ljubav
kot odsev voda.

V zlatem colnu se vozim
mimo sencnih dreves.
Sem kot elektricna iskra,
ki skace.
Laissez faire.
Kaj se vznemirjate,
ker zahaja sonce?
Ves svet naj gre k vragu!
Nacionalizem je laž.
Društvo narodov laž.

Vcasih, ko sem obupan do smrti,
pomislim nate, bela deklica.
Vsi vtisi so zeleni.
Tako blagodejno zelena
in dobra je tvoja ljubav
kot zeleni odsevi vode.
Duh zbira vtise.
Mrtvo opazovanje je letargija...
Aktivni duh zbira slike.
Poglej nazaj, naprej!
Fakti preganjajo umetnost.
Fantje, fantje le korajžo!
Jaz sem pogumen za tri.
V zlatem colnu se vozim.
Iz trpljenja zajemam vse,
kar potrebujem.
Why Get Upset
Why get upset?
Because the clock is broken?
The sun is setting.
The spirit collects impressions.
I search for moving images.
Facts drive art away.
Courage, lads, courage!
What you need
you get in suffering.
We drive away nationalism
with a choir of cats.
An eye looks for its image in water
There my spirit falls calm.

Silently soothing,
green is your love
like a waters' reflection.

In a golden boat
I coast past the shady trees.
I am like an electric spark
Laissez faire.
Why get upset
over the setting of the sun?
Let the whole world go to hell!
Nationalism is a lie.
The League of Nations a lie.

Sometimes, when I despair unto death,
I think of you, white girl.
All impressions are green.
So soothingly green
and good is your love
like the green reflections of water.
The spirit collect impressions.
Dead observation of lethargy…
An active spirit collects images.
Look back; forward!
Facts drive art away.
Courage, lads, courage.
I have the courage of three.
In the golden boat I coast.
Drawing from suffering
all that I need.