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E J, H E J
Ej, hej: dežuje na sive ljubljanske hiše,
Da se zagrinjajo v sivo zaveso pred soncem.
V Trstu nam požigajo Edinost.
Krist je prisel v Društvo narodov.
Ne, to ni tisti dobri, tisti lepi,
z glorijo ljubezni obzarjeni.
Psevdokrist je v Ženevi.
Kako, ali tudi v Ženevi dežuje?
Krist je prisel med rjave puntarje,
tam na sivi ulici stoji
in izganja pismarje in farizeje.
Strelja in ubija.
Strelja in ubija.
O, ti ovcji, ti beli narod!
Ali spoznaš zdaj, kaj si?
Hey, hey: it's raining on the houses of Ljubljana,
and they curtain themselves in grey against the sun.
They are burning down our Edinost in Trieste.
Christ went to the League of Nations.
No, not the good and handsome one
glowing in a halo of love.
There is a Pseudochrist in Geneva.
You say it's raining in Geneva, too?
Christ went among the brown rebels,
there he stands in the grey street
banishing scribes and pharisees.
He shoots and kills.
Shoots and kills.
Oh, you sheepish, you white nation!
Will you now see yourself for what you are?