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Skozi moje srce stopa veliki slon.
Cirkus Kludsky, vstopnina 5 din.
Ne obesi bolesti na veliki zvon!
Ona se smehlja: cin cin cin.
Srca ljudi so majhna in jece velike,
rad bi šel skozi srca ljudi.
Si pristaš te ali one klike?
Tisoc dinarjev ali zaprt 7 dni,
Roze v mojem srcu ne jocejo nikdar.
Kdo bi bil mlad, pa vendar potrt.
Kaj ce prihaja skozi vrata žandar.
Vojaški proces, vi boste v jeci zaprt.
Rože, ostanite same te težke dni.
Tvoje oci, žandar, so kot bajonet
neumne in zlobne. (Rože, zaprite oèi!)
Gandi je bil zaprt celih šest let.
Cons: XY
Across my heart a huge elephant slops.
Circus Kludsky; 3 dinars to see.
Don't shout your sorrow from the house-tops.
She is smiling: ring a ring ree.
Human hearts are small and prisons big,
through human hearts I'd like to sail.
Do you belong to this or that clique?
A thousand dinars or 7 days in jail.
The flowers in my heart cry no more.
Who wants to be young and despondent.
What if a gendarme comes through the door.
Court-martial, for you internment.
Flowers, stay alone in these hard hours.
Gendarme, your eyes are like spears,
stupid and mean.(Close our eyes, flowers!)
Gandhi was imprisoned for six long years.