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Nad norišnico se izprehaja
mesecni mesec.
Po belem. vrtu stopa senca – clovek,
zamišljen v svojo otožno brado.
Kakor v kalejdoskopu plešejo
pred njim valute, menice,
v mavricnem ognju izgorevajoce.
Prej bankir, jetnik papirjev,
se zdaj izprehaja
z mesecnim mesecem.
za belim zidovi norišnice.
To je svoboda,
tista strašna svoboda,
ko stopiš za nevidne zidove
povecane cloveške zavesti,
ki se razmika v grozno
Above the Madhouse
Above a madhouse is strolling
a moonstruck moon.
A Shadow-man is walking around a white garden
absorbed in his sad chin.
As if in a kaleidoscope,
currencies, stocks were dancing before him
in a rainbow fire burning away.
An ex-banker, prisoner of papers
now strolling
with the moonstruck moon
behind the white walls of a madhouse.
This is freedom,
the horrible freedom
you have stepping behind the invisible walls
of expanded human consciousness,
which unfolds in a terrible