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Fui a delft, à procura de cerâmica.
Fui à cerâmica, à procura de delft.
Nos mapas, não vinham nem delft
nem a cerâmica.
Os mapas, porém, tinham tudo
de delft,
e tinham tudo de cerâmica:
as cores,
as linhas, as fronteiras.
Pus os mapas na parede.
Também pus delft na parede.
E fiquei com uma cerâmica de delft.
I went to delft, looking for ceramics.
I went to ceramics, looking for delft.
On the maps, neither delft nor
ceramics appeared.
The maps, however, had everything
delft had.
and everything that ceramics had:
the colors,
the lines, the borders.
I put the maps on the wall.
I also put delft on the wall,
and ended up with ceramics from delft.