vorige | volgende

i loša veza ima svojih prednosti
baca te u očaj
moraš razmrsiti, što ti se to
da biti s njim,
što je to
a opet ide uz njega.
i što od njega, uz tebe, koji dio. i vaš je razgovor
racionalan. uz Cohena
je malo lakše
čisti kao monah, i njegova ptica, na žici
stvar koja ide i ne ide
u isto vrijeme, savršeno, s njom, kažu počinje
i završava koncerte
ona je znak ničega, pjeva, sama ptica ili žica, koja titra
even a bad relationship has its advantages
it throws you into despair
you have to untangle, what is it that
allows you to be with him
what is that
and then again goes well with him,
and what of him, with you, which part. and your conversation
is rational. along Cohen
it is a little easier
he cleanses like a monk, and his bird, on a wire
the song that goes and doesn’t go
at the same time, perfect, with it he, they say
begins and ends his concerts
it is a sign of nothing, it sings, the bird, or the wire, which trembles