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foi engolido por sua vaidade.
O tempo da moça quebrou seus braços.
Toda aquela terra pertencia à extensão
dela. E agora
das horas ocupadas
à sua ramificação celeste.
As horas eram aquelas que batiam
os pés à entrada e saída da casa.
rebentos do milharal.
Na hora de comer
De passagem aquele que
Nunca perguntou o nome
Nunca trabalhou a terra.
A moça mandou-lhe embora
No seguinte sopro do vento.
Os ventos do oeste prometem chuva aos pássaros.
was swallowed up by vanity.
The time of the girl broke his arms.
All that region belonged to her
widening range. And now
from the occupied hours
to her celestial branchings.
The hours were those that stamp their
feet entering and leaving the house.
Dragged along;
scions of the cornfield.
At meal time
they are still.
Just passing through, the one who
Never asked her name
Never worked the earth.
The girl sent him away
With the next gust of the wind.
The west winds promise rain to the birds.