
(z)et – (z) o o - (z)u
mister, we've been to the zoo, but it was closed, wir wollten die entblößung unserer zähne trainieren, studieren das stimmhafte sehnen zum beispiel der zebras, weil alles zueinander anders sagt, mal so und mal zoo. zuletzt entdeckten wir, verzagt am zäun, ein echsenset. wir nannten sie ginger und fred. it seems, you said, they never called the whole thing off. das gab uns reichlich Stoff für den heimweg.
mister, we’ve been to the zoo, but it was closed. we wanted to practice baring our teeth, to study the voiced musings of the zebras, say, since everything says everything some other way, or two, or zoo. at the gate’s zenith or azimuth we espied a set of lizards. we dubbed them ginger and fred. it seems they never called the whole thing off, you said. and this food for thought fed us all the way home.

Translated by Susan Bernofsky


mister, that’s a zed in the zoo, not a zee, nor the zuider zee, not so bizarre. what’s more, in a zed there’s Ed. that said, we wear woollens and trainers, and you think us Brits coz our feet are well-trained and not sneaky. but why shoes and not shows? zap a bonspiel of zebras, zigzag in the saga, zip to the zócalo, in the ooze or ozone where zen zealotry zooms home like Jingles to Ed. A toast to the Ee, okay I agree! But after you’ve drunk it, don’t get in a car, there’s double zero tolerance (oo) at the border, so zip up your zipper, zoo’s not very far.

Variation/alternate translation by Erín Moure