
JEDINI SI KOME svaki dan
propadne i nestane.

Da je barem tako, pomisli samo,
nitko drugi ne bi sjeo za ispražnjeni stol i zaplakao.

Vidi (kaže): Ovdje nema ničega.
Za sve što će doći već sada vrijedi otići spavati.

Spava mi se zaista,
bez objašnjenja
, kaže

taj Portugalac.
(A ti potom pjevaj

s one strane, u društvu
šepavih i mutavih.)
YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE for whom every day
is ruined and then gone.

If it could be so, think for a moment,
no one else would sit down at the vacant table and start crying.

Look (he says): There is nothing here.
For all that will come you have to go to bed right now.

I’m sleepy, really,
without any reason
, says

that Portuguese man.
(So, go on singing

on the other side, in the company
of the lame and mute.)