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5. Nebo te nečujno voli
sedam je broj teške ljubavi.
to piše na nebu koje te nečujno voli.
na sajmovima proljetne glazbe
ja sam progonjeni Pitagora.
supijan od matematike
forsiram rijeku bez obala:
trodjelnu paranoju početka, sredine i sredine.
vjerujem u slučaj koji režiraju
mudri drogirani bogovi u nama.
zato sam mirno zaspao u tebi.
sanjao sam tvrde bore djevojaka,
brzu inteligenciju i strast kornjače.
praznina u klubu Amadeus i ostalim
djevojkama mogla se rezati nožem
kao kućni ljubimci u afektu.
spavaj, nebo nas nečujno voli.
sutra u sedam popit ćemo kamilicu
i opet raditi jazz.
ono bitno buja polako, nikada hitno.
mi nismo prva, mi smo zadnja pomoć.
baci na sedam i grli do smrti.
5. The Sky Loves You Silently
seven is the number of heavy love.
that is written in the sky that loves you silently.
at spring music fairs
I’m a prosecuted Pythagoras.
almost drunk on mathematics
I force the rivers without banks:
three-part paranoia of beginning, middle, and end.
I believe in coincidence engineered
by the wise drugged gods in us.
that is why I peacefully fell asleep inside you.
I dreamt about heavy wrinkles of girls,
swift intelligence and the passion of the turtle.
the emptiness in the Club Amadeus and in other
girls could have been cut with a knife
like pets in distress.
sleep, the sky loves us silently.
tomorrow at seven o’clock we will drink a chamomile tea
and again work on jazz.
that essential thing swells slowly, never urgently.
we are not the first, we are the last aid.
throw on the seven and hug till you die.