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Ništa posebno.
Bio je četvrtak
(posebno ništa)
i promašio sam vlak.
Ispod reklame za Sony
gledao me stari bicikl.
Preko noći su mu ukrali kotač.
dolje u luci 1920.
Michaux se krcao na teretnjak.
Dar Njemačke Francuskoj
imao je deset tisuća tona
lijepu liniju
i zvali su ga
Le Victorieux.
Nothing special.
It was a Thursday
(a special nothing)
and I missed the train.
An old bicycle was watching me
from under a Sony ad.
Someone stole its front wheel overnight.
Down below in the harbour,
1920, Michaux was boarding a freighter.
Germany’s gift to France,
it weighed ten thousand tons,
had nice lines
and they called it
Le Victorieux.