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sanjala sam da se Kamčatka
odvojila od kopna i da pluta
oceanom slobodna.

svi mediji su to prenijeli.
(Japancima je preporučeno
da ostanu u kućama.)

trčala sam gradom da te nađem
prije početka sveopće kataklizme,
ali ti si se spremao u kino

s nekim nepoznatim ženama.
jedna od njih mi je ukrala kaput.
bila sam tako nesretna.

svu noć sam vikala.
ali me nitko nije mogao čuti.
kao da sam umrla.
I dreamed that Kamtchatka
had broken off from the mainland
and was floating freely across the sea.

All the media covered the event.
(The Japanese were advised
to remain indoors.)

I ran through the city trying to find you
before the whole world fell apart,
but you were getting ready to go

to the movies with some women
I did not know. One of them stole my
coat. I was so desperate.

I screamed all night long,
but no one could hear me.
As if I’d been long dead.