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Rublje na užetu
Siromaška dvorišta uz prugu
užeta s rubljem koje se suši
Suše se mokra ženska srca
i hlače smrznutih nogavica
vagoni u čijim odraznim prozorima
rublje leprša i putuje
umjesto njihovih vlasnika
daju si vezati oči, ruke
uši, ista, ali ne i nos
da bi namirisali svoje odredište
puno spremljenog rublja
Washing on the Line
Backyards of the poor by the railway
    were cut by
washing lines with clothes drying.
Women’s wet hearts were drying
and the frozen legs of trousers.
    Train carriages were
making a noise and in their reflecting windows
clothes were fluttering and travelling
instead of their owners.
get their eyes, hands, ears,
mouths covered, but not their noses
so they can smell their destination
piled with neat clothes