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Razrezan po cijeloj dužini trbuha
skalpelom studenta medicine
brod-restaurant, postavljen ploštimice
na kuhinjsku dasku za sitnjenje
peršina i sjećanja na plovidbe
Vade mu crijeva, jetrica, svu iznutricu
kako bi mogao biti nadjeven
kasnim gostima lučkoga grada
i ponekim studentom s još
nepoloženim ispitom iz anatomije
Ono uže, na kraju svake
priručne kuharske daske,
vezuje brod-restaurant posljednjim
privezom u luci kod odsjaja pročelja
upravnih zgrada pomorskoga poduzeća
Slashed along the full length of the belly
with the scalpel of a medical student
the restaurant-ship was placed sideways
on the cutting board for chopping
parsley and for remembering the sea-lanes.
Its liver, its whole insides were gutted
so it could be stuffed with
late guests in a seaport town
and an occasional student who still
has not passed the anatomy exam.
That rope, at the end of each
handle of the cutting board,
holds the restaurant-ship in the harbour
with a last grip near the reflections of the front sides
of the maritime company administrative buildings