vorige | volgende

Privjesci za ključeve
Mala trgovina u strmoj ulici
s ulaznim zvoncem
Mozartove glazbe
Prodaju se privjesci
od jantara, križa, Isusa,
staroga novca, iskovanih slova
Prenatrpani pretinci, prigušeno svjetlo
rumena prodavačica sa svežnjem
Očito su to pokusni ključevi
za sve ove privjeske?
Nisu, odgovori ručica:
ovi su ključevi za otvaranje
da vi možete ući i jantar
kao uhvaćeni leptir
na mome vratu
Key Chains
The little shop on a steep street
with the door-bell
playing Mozart’s music.
Key chains made from
amber, cross, Jesus,
old coins, forged letters were on sale.
Stuffed drawers, dimmed light
rosy cheeked saleswoman with a bunch
    of keys.
Obviously, these are fake keys
for testing all those key chains?
They’re not, replied the handle:
these keys are for opening
so that you can enter in the amber
like the captured butterfly
hanging on my neck