
Odjeća ispod kamena
Ogolivši sve svoje putove
stavio je scensku odjeću
pod suhi kamen
Sve ono što je izgledalo
veliko i raskošno
bilo je mokro i svijetlo
S klupe na palubi
putničkoga papirnatog broda
strepi pred plimom
koja podiže obzor
i prijeti odjeći da se
da se otkotrlja do
nekog usjeka i postane
Clothes under the Stone
Stripping all his roads
he puts the stage clothes
under the dry stone.
Everything that looked
big and affluent
was wet and bright.
On the deck bench
of the passenger’s paper boat
he is afraid of the tide
that lifts the horizon
and threatens the clothes
    to become wet
    to the stone
it could roll into
some gap and become
    a marble