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ulje, umri i. poteci
mir tvojim usnama
da me na njima
nikad vise ne bude

ili cu iz zemlje te amorfne
svakim novim dahom, od smrtne
ploti dahom zabijeljeti se
u tebe, se gasiti

sve dok se ovaj bijeli papir
ne orosi rijecima, ne budem ti tu

te vrskom bica me poljubac
osinuo, u usnu ti se mir
otrnjen, umri i, poteci, mir

neka zalupnu vrata ova zemljava
ulje, umri i, budi da jesam

gdje probodeno pa zasiveno
beskrajno tvojim usnama. mir
bijelo meso glasa, mi spavaj
mrak na usnama, ga ne raskalaj
oil. die and. Let
peace flow to your lips
may I  
no longer be on them  

or I will, from that amorphous soil,
with every breath of my dying
flesh, grow white
into you, be extinguished  

until this white paper
is bedewed with words, until I come here

with the tip of the kiss
whipped, let peace grow
thorns on your lip, die and, flow, peace

let the door made of soil slam shut,
oil, may you die and, be so that I can be

where there is, first pierced, then sewed up
by your lips endlessly, peace
the white flesh of my voice, you sleep,
do not pull to pieces the darkness on my lips