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Grubo zamišljan seks
Tvoja gola noga proveze se usporeno kao grana obučena u bijelo kroz moju pamet i zaustavi se sedam centimetara od izlaza. Ograničena trajanja, ne odgovara joj nijedan kut, pa od rana jutra psuje gospodara. Usta su joj na koljenima i ne mogu zaustaviti neprestano kešenje i cvokotanje unutarnjih zubi; za hitne potrebe upotrebljava smeđe mirisav muški ruž.
Sex roughly imagined
Your naked leg drives slowly through my mind as a branch dressed up in white, and stops seven centimetres from the exit. It has a best before end, no angle suits it, and from early morning it curses its mistress. With its mouth on its knee it couldn’t stop grinning and rattling its back teeth; in an emergency it will use a man’s lipstick, fragrant brown.