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Sada još mogu
Sada još mogu općiti samo s tvojim glasom. Dotiču me blijeda vlakna tvojih uzvika, žare se nabubrjele bradavice dlakavog telefona, cijedi mi se po koljenima i gnjatu kipuć sok iz tvojih riječi, bulji u mene glatko otvorena rupa daljine. Istiskujem se kao pasta iz tube vremena, sjedim u mokro-mirisavim udubinama tvojih šutnja. Nitko na svijetu ne može na staro mjesto utisnuti antene na uzdignutu gorostasu mojega slučaja.
Now I can
Now I can only make love to your voice. The pale fibres of your cries touch me, burned by the swollen nipples of the hairy telephone, the piping hot juice of your words dripping on my knees and feet, the smoothly opened void of distance gazes at me. I'm squeezing myself out like paste from the tube of time, I'm sitting in wet-fragrant hollows of your silences. Nobody in the world could press antennae back into their old place on the erected giant my case has become.