
Un probable Constantino Cavafis a los 19
Esta noche asistirá a tres ceremonias peligrosas
El amor entre hombres
Fumar marihuana
y escribir poemas

Mañana se levantará pasado el mediodía
Tendrá rotos los labios
Rojos los ojos
y otro papel enemigo

Le dolerán los labios de haber besado tanto
Y le arderán los ojos como colillas encendidas
Y ese poema tampoco expresará su llanto
A probable Constantine Cavafy at 19
Tonight he will attend three dangerous ceremonies
Love between men
Smoking marijuana
and writing poems

Tomorrow he will get up past noon
His lips will be parched
His eyes red
and another sheet of enemy paper

His lips will hurt from so many kisses
His eyes will smart like burning cigarette butts
And neither will that poem express his crying