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sunce za spaljenim gorama

tragovi aviona

najpreciznijim senzorima
po koži skeniramo predvečerje
u potrazi za i najmanjim naznakama
bar donekle svježih strujanja
po pravilno povučenim
betonskim stazama gdje zgrade
kao i mi haluciniraju
livade izlazimo
kad se ohladi asfalt
kad se stišaju automobili
i dok ti prstima šuškam po kosi
semafori se glasaju
kao neurotični cvrčci

the sun behind burned hills

airplane tracks

we’re scanning the dusk
with the most precise sensors on our skin
searching for any sign
of fresh air streams
along properly traced
concrete paths where buildings hallucinate
meadows like we do  we go
out when the asphalt cools
when the cars quieten down
and as I’m running fingers through your hair
streetlights chant
like neurotic crickets