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Sky a motif of cowslip in clear ice,
mayflies make moon-dials of the flagstones.
One hawk. Second hawk. They were up there
earlier, as sand toads tacked from grass tuft to grass
tuft, up the pressed dune’s incline. Divots
under the pin oak.
Lake level’s low. Unlike
This American Life’s female executive producer’s testosterone . . .
E. coli trucked in
on lettuce, bocce lessons, pine beetle.
The shooter games vibrate in Balm Beach
Arcade so we squint, the better to look the part
and later leak over The Guardian. Re-apply after bathing.
Contrail or cloud pattern? We’re late arrivals, like winter.
One week, cedar fence to the waterline. Next,
a passion play of flip flops. Husqvarna. An arm splint.