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No, No and No
There's no hurry,
If you say this isn't the time
I agree to wait
No longer the mirror
In you a translucent curtain
The candle's fairy with her small bright tongue
Licks the sweet darkness.
Alone, I watch from afar
Strains of the cricket's song wafting towards the balcony.

Not somebody, I know I'm not anyone
Yet I remain waiting
If I can hear your arm suddenly opening a window –
That face, white clear clouds
If they become waves plunging into my sea
The eye rests once
On the pared nails, a few remote stars
Whose rays haven't reached this sky.

There's no fear, but is there no hope?
There are countless lives yet –
Insect life, animal life, vegetation, sand and stone life
I don't object to any –
I'll stay around your footsteps
I want to hear how many times you say no
How many times you can say no.