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Akayena umuntu lowo onganananelani nabantu
Yena ogodle lokho akugodlileyo
Yena osenqohe phakathi kwemikhulu imithangala
Esenguye ngokubalisa izimoto zakhe
Umuntu ngumuntu ngoba ebusebenzele ubuntu bakhe
Ngokuba ebubekele imihla ngemihla
Waze wabenzela nalabo ababusweleyo
Ngokuba nabo bangabomhlaba
Nabo bangabafazi namadoda alelizwe
They also are children of the earth
Cursed shall be the one whose passage in this world
Evades humaneness, engenders greed and hoarding
Cursed is he wallowing alone in caskets of wealth and
Counting rosary beads of accumulated cars
To be human is to humbly cherish the sweat of your toil
In measured style of decency and appreciation
To be human is to consider the plight of the needy
As they also are children of the earth
Yes, men and women of this blessed land