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nacrtao sam brata
vikend je
a on govori 500
uđi u naranču, budi meso
za usne!
hrana je ljubljenje
glad je usamljenost
prišt je bol na slovu A
ako se bol zaljubi
evo epidemije!
to je veselje!
pogledaš me
a ja te pojedem kao
trčimo! zajedno!
zarađujemo prostor
evo, tu je sunce, krava
usred mlijeka tone u
čistu pravdu
bijelo je! još je bijelo!
tu ćemo biti bolesni
sve stane u nekoliko
ma, manje!
što je manje?
i drew my brother
it’s weekend
and he speaks 500
get into an orange, be meat
for the lips!
food is kissing
hunger is loneliness
zit is pain on letter A
if pain falls in love
there’s an epidemic!
that’s a party!
you look at me
and i eat you like
we run! together!
earn the space
look, there’s the sun, a cow
in the middle of milk sinks into
pure justice
it’s white! it’s still white!
here we’ll get sick
everything fits into a few
bah, even less!
what’s less?